Welcome to this week's blurb!

This week, as you can probably tell from the banner, we have a special guest giving us some of his own speculation for this week: Tantiem!

Who knows what he'll speculate? Who knows if he actually wrote something that would absolutely get me banned from the community and permanently destroy my absolutely real chance at being a QA member? The world may never know unless you keep reading!

Possibly one of the cooler images ever made as a Brickadia bit, can you guess what it's referencing?:

Credit: Kepler

tiny bote:

Credit: Lijitt

A cool space armada!:

Credit: Diax1324

A 1:1 scale of the Washington monument in Brickadia! (The tiny dot represents a player):

Credit: dhagrow

tomahawk burger:

Credit: The Sir Rolfe

A DS-Texture Accurate Block Fort, now we just need to see it functionally useable with Brickadia vehicles:

Credit: pat277

A SPAD 13 (left) next to a SPAD 7 (right):

Credit: Rothary

We do a little trolling:

Credit: Catazeus

One of the most impressive, complete boats in Brickadia as of thus far!:

Credit: TheArmyGuy

Another shot cause it's just THAT good (you also saw me say one of the most impressive, there's one more that I'd say is more impressive, but we'll save that for another time...):

Credit: TheArmyGuy

One of the best covers:

Credit: remanedur


Credit: pak

A bit of an older picture, I found this captioned under "TIME TO TUCK INTO A BIT OF WENSLEYDALE":

Credit: remanedur

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

If you could make any changes to the UI or add some quality of life UI changes, what changes would you make?


"Probably in the applicator. Right now it's hard to find where components are, especially lights. If it was possible to have a scrap-mechanic style system where theres little tool-tips above every brick with a component (of course with the option to turn this off) through walls and whatnot, it'd be a really convenient tool for server admins."


"I would add a UI that let's players track down components visibly. That way admins or builders can locate audio components without having to check every microbrick.."

"PSA Kenko and Clay Hanson: You must fix the AMD"


"I want this search bar to work™"

And now we get into our guest speculation column for the week!

Thanks to Le Durb for letting me help them with their famous Blurb. Let’s get into it!

I know everybody is excited about all the features we know are coming up for EA (Behaviours, Physics, Vehicles), but something that may have been overlooked is the fact that behaviour scripting is going to be a collaborative experience!

Collaborative Behaviours

Credit: Sixmorphugus

So I know not everybody who reads this is going to know what eventing was like on Blockland, but I ran into the issue of having to take turns eventing stuff with other people, which could be pretty frustrating. So I for one was super excited to hear this feature of behaviours to be confirmed for EA.

So now that I covered something guaranteed to happen by EA, let's speculate about some stuff not quite so set in stone!

Easy-to-make Behaviour Node Functions

Credit: Sixmorphugus

So based on this interaction I had with six a while back, it seems that the actual functionality for behaviour nodes isn’t too hard to create. Further conversation revealed that he has already created all the nodes he wanted to have ready for EA, and that any other node would be really easy to make.

What does this all mean exactly? Well, Unreal’s engine is programmed in C++, and Unreal’s scripting system is also rooted in C++. So, that means that ANYTHING that could be coded in a normal game can be put into behaviour nodes. I wouldn’t call it far fetched at all to have features as important / basic as having brick grids look at players, generating other bricks, firing projectiles, etc…in the game by EA.

At least by the way six described it, behaviours are built to be without constraints. On the other hand, what ever nodes do end up in the game is limited by what he thinks is best.

Creeper… in Brickadia??

Credit: Sixmorphugus

This final speculation piece is probably the one based in the least solid foundation.

Custom UI?

Credit: Sixmorphugus

So just to preface this, Six did say that this feature is not designed, only planned for sometime in the unknown future.

This came as a total shocker response, as I had never even considered this a possibility before. I remember many times in games like Roblox, Blockland, and even LittleBigPlanet where selection screens for things like levels and classes were restricted to physical space. So hearing that there are plans to make a behaviours driven UI is totally awesome.

This opens up the realm of possibility for extremely complex games. Games and experiences with custom HUD and screen information all working in tandem with the rest of the behaviours set up on a map. Showing where nearest item pickups are, custom health / ammo display, markers, quest objectives, the list goes on and on!

The final speculative picture to draw in your head to get hyped for Early Access, as well as the rest of this games future, is the following:

Pop open Brickadia, a year from today. You see one of the most popular servers on the list, Block Fortress 2, a tasteful play on words of the beloved Valve game. You join the server, and on spawn are greeted with a custom behaviour UI to select a class. Each class has (as discussed in a previous blurb) custom items for their specialties (i.e. Engineer with sentry). The world is made of hand placed bricks, and you run to move the blocky payload to the destination. All in Brickadia!

Brickadia TF2?

Credit: Niti

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

See you all next week!