Welcome to this week's blurb!

Now this has been an update I've been working on for a bit, and I still don't have everything quite down yet. As you might be able to tell, this site finally has a solid background that you can read on while keeping the moving bricks in the background. Now all of you dyslexic, eye-challenged readers can now read with some peace of mind! And for those not as keen, we now have an archive page that lists all the blurbs and their banners so that you can more easily find the blurb you want to search for while at the same time acting as a gallery for all blurb banners ever made for the blurb!

I still have major plans, and I am still figuring out implementations that would make them work appropriately while also not appearing as a mess for mobile users. Again, as I usually tend to say, thank you for all the support you readers provide in just reading the blurb by itself. I am not a pro at HTML'ing, so if any of you guys want to help me out with upgrading this site in the future, let me know, I am always ecstatic to make this blurb more engaging while at the same time visually appealing to read!

On that note, there is ONE more feature on this whole blurb that is essentially complete, but I haven't been able to make function just quite yet for mobile users, so stay tuned for that. If any of you guys have any recommendations on features you want to see on the blurb, like a page dedicated to Brickadia fan-art, a page for polls, etc., don't screw around, let me know! Working on this page takes time, and unfortunately it is a little taxing sometimes especially when I have to sift through pages for resources or information for the speculation column.

Now with all that out of the way, let's take a look at the community content this week!

An amazing vignette in progress!

Credit: crazyjaydon

A shot of Brickadia City during the day:

Credit: Dingo Ananas for the build, cutter for the screenshot

A shot of Brickadia City during the night:

Credit: Dingo Ananas for the build, cutter for the screenshot


Credit: Reiko

This was captioned with "yeah". Turns out some users kept their 0.1-0.2 client of Brickadia:

Credit: remanedur

An F-15 in progress!:

Credit: TheArmyGuy for most of the jet, Edz for the canopy

Banished, imprisoned, dungeon'd:

Credit: KeyboardCombination


Credit: J

A recording of a player playing Brickadia on a VR game:

Credit: fabkill for recording, The Sir Rolfe for the map

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

If you could add any new appearances into the game for bricks (examples being glass, neon, chrome appearances that are already in the game), what would you want added?


"Actual glass material that's transparent while also having reflections would be cool and I know it's something the devs have already experimented with and shown in at least some shape, other than that I really miss (and have needed multiple times) the ability to make bricks both transparent and glowing - right now you can only do either or."


"I think that a weathered/beaten up material would be a neat one to add, my other one is a fabric or foam (could have it extrude little fluffy bits or something as well, idk just an idea) material which would be useful for a lot of things."


"Hmm, a material that I would add to the game would have to be some sort of rough texture or something of that nature, a bit like damaged stone or course sand type texture."

One brief thing real quick, apologies if this week's blurb seems short, having worked on making some backend updates to the site while also experimenting a bunch this week didn't really leave me enough time to get everything in here that I wanted to. But that doesn't mean I'm going to skimp out on giving you a non-interesting speculation column!

As some of you may seen for the user column, I asked an interesting question this week about brick materials. For many of you, this is not a foreign concept as some games like Roblox implement brick materials as part material textures for objects, allowing for the appearance of wood, bricks, and the like. Now what some of you may not realize is that during the early days of Brickadia, there was one material that was in the game!

Credit: Cowtastic

That's right, WOOD was in the game. Now since they aren't in the game anymore, this leaves us incapable of making any tools or crafting benches. Stupid jokes for 12 year olds aside, the prospect of their being specific materials for bricks is a very interesting and open-ended topic, as the possibilities are almost nearly limitless for this sort of feature. Now as to why it was cut? I do have an idea, that being that it probably didn't look that good, or really mesh well alongside other bricks or even players.

Credit: Zeblote, wrap, Sixmorphugus

There are a couple things to take away, but in reference to the main point, wood probably got cut because it probably didn't work out all that well in practice just in terms of appearance. However, if you also notice in this picture, they talk about the idea of a canvas brick. Generally speaking, this refers to the idea of being able to draw on bricks. This would easily allow for players to draw text, images, and the like, and there seems to be interest in the idea from the developers in the image. However, take that with a grain of salt considering it is a VERY old image. Though, the idea of drawing on bricks isn't all that bad, to say the least.

On the idea of different materials though, the possibility of damaged bricks could potentially be within the realm of possibility. One of the developers mentioned a plan for the addition of scuffed, scratched, damaged bricks based on a slider:

Credit: wrap

Whether we'll ever be able to see any of these additions ever again, we may never know. However, with the soon to come feature of modding in the future, we may very well see players add in their own wood-textures and the like, adding damaged brick textures for all sorts of bricks. Could you imagine a wooden turkey? However, now comes the idea as to how a variety of brick materials could affect the general style of a game as a 3D brick-building game. With the addition of a multitude of brick materials, could players push the boundary too far in trying to make builds as realistic as possible? Could Brickadia go the same route as Roblox, going from a 3D brick game to a 3D user-generated content cesspool of legally-questionable game ports? We'll just have to wait and see what the devs plan next for brick materials.

I, for one, would be fine with a brick material that looks like a granier brick like the type you'd see on a sloped brick.

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb! Apologies if this blurb seemed short, working on updating a site takes a lot of time away from quality blurb-work!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

See you all next week!