Blurb #2: 3/20/2023

Welcome to the second blurb!

Reception to the blurb so far has been very positive from the Brickadia community, and I am very happy to see that people enjoy this blurb page!

Jokes aside, huge thank you to Super for helping me make the website more mobile friendly and for helping me create certain features for the page (who would've thought creating three columns would be hard to do?

Now, What is there to talk about this week in the Brickadia community?

Starting things off, let's showcase a few builds from the community this week!

A very fine town build featuring a park, carriages and townspeople, and nicely designed buildings:

Credit: Quezni

A small, aesthetically pleasing build.

Credit: brutis

A video of a man walking into barbed wires:

Credit: Edz

An assortment of very well made ships with different color schemes (+ a rare cutter sighting)

Credit: Magus

Two speculative designs that are really dumb lol:

Credit: Nikandros

A physical manifestation of the first design seen above:

Credit: remanedur

An apple growing from a tree:

Credit: Moonkey

I've never seen anyone talk about this before, but this is a thing, apparently.

Apparently when you get too close to the Out Of Bound barrier (aka the death barrier of the world), your avatar begins to jitter as a result of just how far your avatar is from the center of the world. Usually this happens if you're in ghost mode and you fall endlessly down through the world, but it's surprising to see it happens even when you're within the boundaries of the world:

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

Given the current progress of Brickadia and the arrival towards April, do you believe Brickadia will be delayed, or will we get an exact April release date soon?


"I don't really mind if would get delayed or not, but I do trust Toriel on her words"

"I believe in [the] devs behind Brickadia"


"[C]onsidering the fact that we haven't actually seen drivable vehicles or wires yet I wouldn't be surprised if they did delay the release, but I also think they might be able to put something together before then as it sounds like behaviors might be the most complex planned feature and it looks like [S]ix has been making some good progress there."


"I believe if it is released in April at all it will be on the prophesized date"

It could be very likely that we are getting a new health item to go along with the health potion and medpacks in Brickadia. In what form may that appear in? While it is common knowledge in the community that a soda can was spotted in the trailer for Brickadia, the trailer of which you can see here, it may very well be likely that the soda can itself is a health item.

The only forms of health potions currently available are medpacks and potions, the latter being the only handheld health booster in the game. It would be feasible to assume it is a health item as well given that the only other handheld health item is specifically medieval fantasy themed, so a more modern item beyond just medical aid packs would make sense.

0:41 - Player holding soda. (Source: Brickadia Trailer)

1:22 - Player drinking soda. (Source: Brickadia Trailer)

A while ago, a video displaying the drink animation for the soda can was released by Sixmorphugus, one of the developers for Brickadia. Comparing the video along with the drink animation for the health potion shows they have similar animation duration for the drinking process (the start-up animations have different lengths for both items, however).

Credit: Sixmorphugus

It is difficult to tell for certain when the drinking itself begins to take place as there are no visible liquids present in the soda, so this is the best estimate I could come up with. When you line up the timing for when the items leave the player's inventory though, they do share similar animations, namely in regard to when the drinks themselves are lifted and when the player throws away the item.

Yeah, that's all I got, I had more initially that appeared as legitimate speculation until I realized the whole thing was that new trails to rockets were added and shown by the developers. For those unaware, this is what the new trails for rocket launchers will look like in Early Access release:

With there being new trails, it is reasonable to assume that we could potentially see more trails and effects added to the game.

Only way to know for certain, though, is when Early Access comes around, so who knows what will come? Maybe in Early Access, we'll finally get emotes that make the avatar dance or even more music and sound effects, but only time will tell.

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb! there is a lot more to talk about now that I am getting the hang of things, but rest assured I will have your money, and you WILL support me on my totally real Patreon.

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215