Welcome to this week's blurb!

This is the 20th post to have ever been made to this blurb, wild stuff! It has been 140 days since the creation of this blurb, or a little more than 4 and a half months. For this post, we have Tantiem joining us again as our guest speculator. This will also be the last blurb post that will have completely uncompressed pictures. I've been getting complaints as of late that the pages take forever to load, and the only thing that it can be attributed to it are the uncompressed high quality pictures in this blurb.

I also hope you guys enjoy this week's banner, as it takes inspiration from Jet Set Radio, LittleBigPlanet, and Modnation Racers. Took a lot of time to make, and considering I was busy towards the end of this week, I had to get it done early too!

Now with all that out of the way, let's check out what's going on with the community this week:

Real photo of where all the keys for Brickadia Gold membership (not real) is stored:

Credit: Zoid

A great demonstration as to what can be achieved with the environment settings in Brickadia:

Credit: Zoid

Out here in teh mall:

Credit: Zoid

Ignore that F-15 doing what could possibly be the most dangerous manuever possible in proximity to people:

Credit: Zoid

A whole miniature aircraft carrier:

Credit: Liljitt

A Brickadia interpretation ofa F1 2022 "generic" reference car:

Credit: DessertSource

Another angle cause it's THAT good:

Credit: Reiko


Credit: Chipboard

LEGO? In my Brickadia?:

Credit: Tantiem

Leon was always a thief, he's good at stealing hearts:

Credit: J

head gone:

Credit: fairko

bluester be like:

Credit: TheArmyGuy

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

What do you hope to be able to do with bots in Brickadia? Can you see bots being more than just target dummies?


"Yeah, I hope to have them drive vehicles following paths of some sort, especially bus drivers. I also want to set up bots in places like downtown hotel staff/hospital staff, or literally wherever doing a job or something. A taxi service would be cool too if bots cpuld follow paths to "drive on the streets", incorporating pathfinding sounds cool, but thats just my brain goin oooo what if."


"I would want to be able to race the bots like I did at some point in Blockland."


"Dynamic brick pathfinding even when there are physics bricks involved; for example, bots that walk around an airship and man aimable physics cannons! If bots end up as just target dummies I'm using Zeblote as a target."

Thanks to Durb again for sponsoring my contribution to the blurb!

So what exactly is the basis for this weeks speculation?

The Blurb™ is a great way for people that don't live in every channel of the discord simultaneously to get the low down for each week of what is happening in Brickadia. So a few people might already know what I'm going to talk about, but for those who don't-well, hold on to your unlabeled plastic caps- because this week, we're talking about...

Credit: Toriel

Credit: Toriel

Credit: moo

According to the above sources, it's apparent that not only are bots a confirmed feature, but currently in the development branch of Brickadia!

What is a Bot?

A lot of Blockland vets would instantly recognize this term, but for every other curious individual that hasn't figured it out by the context, bot is essentially short for robot, or, in other words, a non player entity that can be controlled through commands.

In Brickadia terminology, these bots would be controlled through behaviours, and (possibly) be able to do anything a normal player can do. In other words, this means AI.

OK, Nerd, why do I care about this?

This feature would allow players to create experiences that feature amazing gameplay elements such as Quest NPC's, PvE moments, mission companions (like fallout), and more!

Other consequences of this feature would include experiences that not only feature multiple players and multiple bots (zombies game mode stuff), it would allow for entirely singleplayer experiences

Isn't Brickadia a multi-player game?

While it is true that most people that play Brickadia EA and retail will care more about the online aspects of the game, being inclusive to different types of players is always a plus.

With the features already confirmed for EA, interesting puzzle and platformer experiences are already possible to be made for small groups or even singular players. With the addition of bots, players that enjoy linear single player experiences would be able to create and consume a giant variety of different game experiences.

Another important question: Are bots going to be available for Early Access release?


From the looks of it, there might be really basic support for bots in EA (as far as behaviours are concerned), but I'm not totally sure we will have specific access to bots in EA.

Until then, keep dreaming up all the cool stuff you can make in EA soon™!


Thank Tantiem for that guest speculation column, and that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

See you all next week!