Welcome to this week's blurb!

For this week's banner, I decided to have a reattempt at that one crayon banner I did way back then. For this, I feel pretty satisfied for how it turned out, but I do feel like I could do even better with it in terms of it just being a crayon banner. So who knows, maybe we'll come to see that it'll be revisited in the future once again, and then we'll see just how much better I can make a crayon banner. This one was also a lot of fun, just as a result of the fact that it feels like working with a nice pixel brush, giving it that nice, crisp look.

In other news, we've been notified recently by the developers that there will indeed be news soon regarding Brickadia!:

Credit: Toriel

So who knows, maybe the news will come next week, or even the week after that? All I know is that just based off the estimate, we could possibly get this news before the end of the year.

Keep your eyes peeled for whatever news may come within the end of this month or even next month!

Now with all those shenanigans out of the way, let stake a look at what the community has been up to this past week:

Brickadia's first spam bot?:

Credit: Kokonut


Credit: Moonkey

Visualization of what players could look like riding horses in Brickadia:

Credit: TombstoneTechnician for the edit, UnknownSoul for the original picture

Sans Luigi?:

Credit: Kokonut


Credit: Rothary

See if you can spot the Critical Floof at the top!:

Credit: Bluester16


Credit: SphericalCube

A working Rubik's Cube in Brickadia (See if you can spot me!):

Credit: RoboReiko

IMPOSSIBLE Rocket Jumping changes a man after beating it:

Credit: remanedur

Did you know you can time travel in Brickadia?:

Credit: Moonkey

Content for Did You Know Gaming?:

Credit: jayden_bricj

Sick render of a map:

Credit: Moonkey

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

Now that we've had the environment settings for a while, what could be improved? What settings/features sound appealing and fun to mess with? (Thank you Brickitect for the question!)


"It'd be cool to have more extreme weather options available. Yeah, we already have thunderstorms and blizzards, but its pretty limited in how intense we can make it. Snow falls pretty gently at max settings, and so does rain. Maybe the intensity limit could be upped to 200% and have it so there's more intense lightning strikes, both close and far, or have it that rain will start to blow horizontally, and pick up and blow debris particles. If not that, then at least a variable slider for wind intensity that affects weather. Sandstorms would be neat too."


"I think it should smoothly apply your changes. Like when I adjust the time of day, time should go until it gets to where I set it. Also water should have a setting for waves so you can choose the size and speed of them. There should be wind settings which should affect waves and the speed of clouds."


"Okay okay so like, imagine if you could move the cloudline up or down, if the clouds were actually physical, like what if you could have fog at ground level or have a city or mountains that goes up past the clouds[?]"

And now for the weekly comic panel!:

For this week's speculation, we'll be taking a brief look at a UI upgrade that I noticed in a recent development video!

Credit: Toriel for the videos above, Kenko for the video from where the picture is from

The quick thing to notice here is that when looking at the tool menu, the UI has been updated from just being gray and transparent to having a sleek black border around it. Despite being soemwhat simple in its appearance, I would be one to say that it gives the tool menu a cool, fresh look, for as simple as it is.

For reference, this is the current tool menu:

Credit: me lol

From the videos above, the beam for the Manipulator Tool still uses the same beam as the Painter tool, but, as previously spoken, the beam is temporary:

Credit: Kenko

While it's not often that we get a huge amount of information about the game, it's nice to see places where you can clearly see progress for the development of Brickadia when you pay close attention to the crumbs of information and media released by the devs, so it's good knowing a lot of work is being done behind the scenes, we'll just have to wait and see what other things the developers have planned in terms of upgrades and updates!

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

You can also support me on my Patreon using this link here: Durb Blurb Patreon (www.patreon.com/durblurb)

See you all next week!