Welcome to this week's blurb!

For this week's banner, I worked with the DS's Flipnote brushes and the palette for Flipnote as well. This one took a bit longer to cook just to figure out how to make larger sprites in general look nice. Personally, I'm quite good with smaller scale sprites, but when it comes to using aliased brushed that feature all sorts of different patterns, then things take a different turn. However, despite that small difficulty, I am still somewhat satisfied with the banner.

Real briefly, I would also like to apologize for last week's radio silence and the delay for this banner in that regard as well, my work schedule as of late has been quite chaotic, and let me tell you, retail around this time of year sucks a LOT. Funnily enough, even though last week's blurb was delayed, I have to go off the hand right now and actually say that this past week has actually been worse in terms of my schedule, except this time I did prepared a little at least in terms of setting times to work on this week's blurb.

Now with all those shenanigans out of the way, lets take a look at what the community has been up to this past week:

Amazing works of color and generation:

Credit: Hoogle

Turts and whales in Brickadia?:

Credit: PhylleanOG

Very well-made forests and foliage:

Credit: Magus

This isn't real, but I saw this and I thought it was, and I am very frustrated that it isn't (but glad it isn't cause February is too far):

Credit: remanedur


Credit: Moonkey


Credit: spzi

Some say this is what the boundary at the edge of the world looks like:

Credit: Kokonut

deep-fried durb:

Credit: Zoid

Yet again, someone put Brickadia on their Steam Deck:

Credit: tony

The blurb community will never recover from this:

Credit: Rothary

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

With news about the next devblog dropping real soon, what do you think will be discussed about in the next devblog? Do you think any additional news is going to drop?

Humongous Koi

"Probably some more details about behaviors and release date. I would like to see more about programming vehicles. And a publisher to grant the team funding (copium)"


"I am honestly not sure what devblog would be dropping, as despite seeing the rough speculation in the Brickadia discord, I've been somewhat surprised at each one. If I had to guess? They'll be announcing that Alpha 5 comes out tomorrow."


"I think they will anounce Brickadia II at the Gamer Wards by jeff keely."

And now for the weekly comic panel!:

Now that we’re into the month of December, one exciting prospect awaits us as a community: a devblog! While the devblog itself isn’t out just quite yet, the point in which it will be released is presumably VERY near given what we’ve been told about when it will release. Now while the release date is largely dependent on the progress the developers have been making for whatever it is that will be featured on the new devblog itself, there is just one question that really lingers in some minds (aka mine lol):

What will be featured in the next devblog?

Now with a question like this, usually there's a lot to speculate about, and for me, I have a couple ideas as to what could be in the next devblog. If I had to put my money on it, I would be one to say that it could be very likely that the next devblog is going to be about behaviors or vehicles. Given the plethora of features we've been promised on release, the biggest features coming to Brickadia are basically behaviors, vehicles, and expanded physics. Out of these major features, we've seen behaviors and physics in action extensively, so much so that we actually know quite a bit as to what making behaviors is going to look like! Despite this however, there are still questions to be had about behaviors, which is mainly in regard to all the nook and crannies surrounding making behaviors.

While I do thing behaviors may be discussed, I am more confident in the fact that, considering it is now the FINAL month of the year and Brickadia could potentially release in the next 3 months, I would like to imagine that the last major feature is going to be featured, which would be vehicles.

As of right now, compared to every other feature in Brickadia, we know little to nothing as to what vehicles are going to look like, how they will be made, how they'll operate, the limits there are to making vehicles, or whether or not we're even going to get seats to sit in.

Now while the question of chairs you can stick on is a question that is probably easily answered in the reader's mind, the rest of the questions I just presented now still bear some merit to them in the fact that we literally do not know anything about vehicles. The only times we have ever seen anything remotely close to vehicles is physics constraint motors being used on physics objects to make them act like vehicles. But whether or not we'll get standardized wheels of some kind, vehicle presets, or some sort of streamlined system of making four-wheeled vehicles is beyond the entire community as of right now.

Okay, so maybe we don't completely know nothing about vehicles, cause there are some small nuances that describe the scale of vehicles, so to speak:

While this does help us paint a picture as to what vehicles will mean for Brickadia, it only helps paint the edges of the canvas for us, so to speak. With that being said, let's hope I'm right with my prediction that it will be vehicles!

And with that out of the way, let's have some honorable mentions for people who failed at predicting when the next devblog was going to come out:

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

You can also support me on my Patreon using this link here: Durb Blurb Patreon (www.patreon.com/durblurb)

See you all next week!