Welcome to this week's blurb!

Contrary to what you might think from this banner, I actually somewhat hate things like frosting, it gives me a headache after a while. That's why I usually tend to avoid things like cake or desserts that tend to be all-out, it just gives me trouble later in the day. Apart from that, apologies for the small 2-hour delay in the release of this blurb, I was having technical difficulties with exporting the banner and the comics for this week. Speaking of which, due to last week's lack of comic, this week there will be two comic panels, so take a look at that down below when you get the chance!

Later on, we'll be taking a look at the final part of the development blog, understanding what that means for the player, as well as the state of the development blog by the developers!

Now with all those shenanigans out of the way, lets take a look at what the community has been up to this past week:

An amazing 1:1 scale recreation of the Great Pyramids of Giza; these shots were taken on the development build of Brickadia (look at the clouds), so consider these series of screenshots as exclusive content! (The terrain was manually generated with a plugin):

Credit: Toriel (See if you can see their player avatar in the pictures, that will give you some sense of scale!)

Even more exclusive content? (You had to have been there to see it, and don't worry, I'll cover it soon):

Credit: Toriel for the stream, Saturn for the picture

Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?:

Credit: Kokonut

Space-themed plugin-generated terrain!:

Credit: Ladios

The Mr. LoL torpedo:

Credit: Rothary

Greeblying on an awesome space ship!:

Credit: TheArmyGuy

urhhghhh..... lombter..

Credit: Hulk Hogan

Now I don't recall Brickadia being free on release:

Credit: Hulk Hogan


Credit: Moonkey

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

With the new estimate on Brickadia's release finally being known, even though the estimate out there, how close do you think Brickadia is to being ready for Early Access release?


"I would say they still have a decent amount to go through. In the Discord VC event they didn’t want to show the vehicle features so that implies that they are still working on that. The physics looks good, and since they haven’t done as much near the end of the year, I think we could see a date between April to July."


"Mid 2024 sounds reasonable, but game dev doesnt always go as planned. Considering the level of polish they go for with every feature, I wouldn't be surprised if it got pushed back again but I also don't really mind. I'll play when it comes out."


"I have a feeling the devs will make early access release 2 months before official release. I don't know too much about game development but that's what I would do, gives plenty of time to let people play around and find bugs and tell others about the game, which will create a bit of hype for it. Maybe I didn't understand the question initially, but that's my thoughts, if July is roughly when we are estimated to have full release."

And now for the weekly comic panel!

This week, we have a double comic:

And here we are!

Three whole posts to cover the entirety of the new development blog, which, again, if you haven't read them, take a looksie here: Devlog #5 - Recent Graphics Improvements Roundup.

Now what section are we going to consider today? Well for this column, we'll be going over the last section, which is probably the most interesting part of this entire development blog. The reason? Let's take a look:

There are a few key take aways to take from this. For one, networked physics, meaning literally physics but on multiplayer server experiences, is obviously still being worked on. Considering Zeblote said it was the implementation of it likely means that many aspects of it are still being made into actual, functional features in the game. In addition to that, Zeblote essentially confirms that although we have not seen a lot of demos in regard to behaviors as of late, a lot of progress has been made behind the scenes on behaviors themselves. It is interesting to note, however, that while that is said, it's also stated that Sixmorphugus is working on revamping building controls for vehicles, presumably for the construction of them. Now one would assume that given this game is very multi-faceted in its development, one could assert that it's simply switching tasks just for the moment. After all, it could just be the case that to further work on behaviors, you probably need to work on vehicles as well since they probably share some features or are heavily connected in some way.

There is one huge thing to keep in mind, however. Although one might think it, like how I did, it turns out that behaviors and vehicles are entirely separate systems, if not just completely unrelated to each other. How do I know this? Take a look here:

Given these pieces of information, you could make a couple scenarios in your mind as to what is going on:

You could imagine that the first scenario is probably the most likely, but knowing that Sixmorphugus has (presumably) been working on Behaviors for quite a while last time I checked, the fact that it was worded that way is VERY interesting. The reason why I think the second option is somewhat likely thinking of it in reference to the release date.

Let's get into that real quick, last time we talked about the release date, there was the general estimate that the game would release in Q1 2024, meaning anywhere between or a little after January, February, and March. Given that the developers have also told us they'd let us know 2 months in advance when the game is coming out, you'd be having a pretty bleak outlook as a result of when this blurb is being released and the fact that there is no news about that yet. Given that the language being used involves saying estimate, you could say that an exact date is still up in the air. HOWEVER, given that you could say that the release date for Brickadia is being pushed back to around mid-2024 (Q2? Q3? Doesn't apply so well when it's very much between those two quarters), you could imagine that they are really gearing up towards putting a lot of work towards vehicles now.

Given that it's taken so much time to work on behaviors, you could speculate that with the goalpost set back, now there's ample time to really get a lot of work done on vehicles!

That, or it could be the case that Behaviors is near-finished and Sixmorphugus is helping out with some of the other devs in finishing up vehicles? It's somewhat difficult to discern where a huge facet of the game could be when almost little to nothing is known about it. Really, the last time we saw vehicles in a state where they could be showcased was in Devlog #3 - Placeable Entities and Physics Joints, where we see this as the final video of the blog showing a vehicle driving:

Now, obviously, the audio is probably just edited in. This video was released on January 27th, 2023, in that blog that was mentioned earlier. Now here's something I didn't really mention, but one realization I made is that considering vehicles are essentially physics objects, you could say this is something that falls in line with what Zeblote has been working on, especially with how he mentions he's been working on networked physics. Now networked physics, like I mentioned before, is essentially just physics but multiplayer, having it work for everyone on a server. Now, thinking about this, vehicles would definitely be something that would fall under that area of work given what people would want to do with vehicles in the first place. So with that in mind, here is my big guess:

A lot of this may read as though I was on some sort of trip, but stupid dumb joke aside, why would I think that Zeblote has also been working on vehicles with physics at the same time? Apart from the literal fact that they seem extremely connected together just from that literal Devlog, there's also this picture here that helps to give a little credence:

What does this mean? Vehicles aren't their own weird little special thing when it comes to physics, they are still bricks, and they use a lot of the same features that bricks can be given. Understanding that then, it only makes sense that Zeblote would've been working on vehicles at the same time. But enough of my poorly-organized explanations and difficult-to-follow ideas, let's move on:

Zeblote also briefly talks about the state of the devblogs!

As it stands, currently, the developers certainly want to continue working on the development blogs themselves. For one, I've always been a huge proponent of the idea that just showing anything neat or interesting is good enough, especially when it comes down to things like blog posts showcasing specific parts of development. It doesn't matter what, but if it's reasonable enough to show, like a cosmetic or a cool funny build or an insight into some plans, that is fine enough. Even though it isn't finished, there has to at least be something to show, or even describing what that thing does is fine enough in itself as well. A development blog shouldn't have to release once in a literal millenia, and it seems to be the case that the developers are somewhat more understanding in that regard now, given that they want to go back to how they originally intended to have the development blogs release.

For me, that's pretty huge, having a steady stream of blurb content of course is always nice, but having just a consistency on which we're given something to gnaw on and digest just in terms of developer content is crazy to begin with!

Moving on, I did mention it earlier, but we now have a new estimate on the release of Brickadia, which is somewhere around mid-2024! That's right, we aren't really using quarters any more, but if you had to, that would be about the end of Q2 2024. Now keep in mind that although it is very much so a delay in that regard, news of any release could hit within the next 3-4 months, which isn't THAT far away. However, a grain of salt should be taken in regard to this new particular release date. How come? If you're smart enough to notice, you'll have seen that Zeblote used the terms "best guess". Now understanding that, you get a really good idea that this is a really rough estimate, so for all we know, it could be plus-or-minus on a heavy margin, give or take 2 months or even more. So keeping that in mind, I would think it'd be better not to go with quarter terminology and just stick with mid-2024.

Another thing to understand too is that with the added piece of information that we'll know 2 months in advance for the release of Brickadia, if we're looking to June as that marker, and understanding that this is a rough estimate, we may be seeing news for release either April to even June, that is of course if you assume Brickadia actually releases two months after mid-2024. Whether or not there will be another delay is something we'll have to see, but seeing how things have been going in terms of the development content we've seen, and I am somewhat confident that we'll actually get Brickadia releasing in mid-2024 considering a lot of the stuff I discussed earlier.

However, we'll just have to see if the developers are going to be able to reach this goalpost they set for themselves. It's all good just as long as they don't delay release till after GTA6, THEN things are beyond concerning in terms of when Brickadia could release. But for now, we'll just need to have our eyes peeled for further news. Next week, we'll be taking a look at a special development stream that was hosted on the Brickadia Discord!

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

You can also support me on my Patreon using this link here: Durb Blurb Patreon (www.patreon.com/durblurb)

See you all next week!