Welcome to this week's blurb!

Hello blurb readers! While there might not be a lot of eventful things happening this week, I can say that there will be an announcement coming up soon for a new blurb feature. What might that feature be? You'll have to wait and see, but I won't be revealing it in this blurb. Apart from that, for this week's speculation, we'll be looking at bits and pieces of a stream by the social media managers Toriel and Kenko who had a little bit of fun playing around with the development build of Brickadia. Stay tuned for that!

Now with all those shenanigans out of the way, lets take a look at what the community has been up to this past week:

A very cool spaceship made by a community member, the ship is called the "StarSpeeder 1000":

Credit: TheArmyGuy

Hoogle in the sink:

Credit: Brickitect

If you have your flashlight on and stand a certain distance from a wall, you get this white ring on your nose:

Credit: Me, I found this, the credit belongs to me!!

Forklift Certification coming to Brickadia:

Credit: tuc

The Mario cave:

Credit: Mackerel

leg stuck in teh ground:

Credit: Brickitect


Credit: Toriel

The plugin for the game crashed after too much digging:

Credit: Kokonut


Credit: Moonkey

A picture from Old-cadia

Credit: trogtor

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

With the goal of some more frequent development blogs by the developers, how soon do you think we're going to get the next development blog?


"I would say they still have a decent amount to go through. In the Discord VC event they didn’t want to show the vehicle features so that implies that they are still working on that. The physics looks good, and since they haven’t done as much near the end of the year, I think we could see a date between April to July."


"Hopefully one between the 24th-30th... mods said there was one soon™️, but you never know."


"Well, thinking about how the recent devblog mentioning at the bottom "summer" release or something, I'd guess February or March for a new blog."

And now for the weekly comic panel!

This week, we'll be taking a look at the snippets I was able to find on the recent development build stream for Brickadia, showcasing cool stuff, funny bits, as well as interesting reveals in that regard, so let's get to it!

Credit: Saturn

Before we had seen the ball in Brickadia, there was the reveal of entities in Brickadia, which were basically non-brick objects that weren't replicated in the brick replication system for Brickadia. In other words, it's just non-brick things, like items or physics joints and so on and so forth. Nothing much was said about the ball when it was first shown to us on a Discord post a while back, but the fact that it continues to be in the game could suggest that the presence of primitive geometric items for use as physics objects could be something that is coming to Brickadia. It would make sense to have something like that, if not to serve as a fun physics toy for a fun physics-ish game, if anything.

Credit: Toriel

CUT THE CAMERAS, SMALL BUG BEING SHOWN! Of course, since "game not done", it's reasonable to see funny little quirks like this show itself in this type of fashion, but it is interesting to see that for some objects, physics can be a little funny sometimes. Game physics do be game physics. I imagine that considering physics in many games always have their quirks to them, Brickadia would be no different, as a matter of fact, I would imagine that for objects that have hundreds of thousands of bricks to them would have some sort of physics issue come up sooner or later. What makes me say that?

Credit: Toriel

It's not even fully collided and it's already scuffed! What were they thiiiinkiiing! Jokes aside, that model of the moon slamming onto that brick is actually a high brick count object, but the fact that it's able to work as smoothly as it does and somehow not crash the game or fling out of existence shows that the physics system in Brickadia definitely has some solid work put into it. While high brick count objects were what I was worried for, large brick objects are something I am not worried for at all, I mean look at this!

Credit: Toriel

Anyways, moving away from that, do you notice anything in particular about this picture?

Credit: Toriel

If you guessed some Billy Hatcher meme, you'd be wrong, but paying attention to the material, it's actually a good glass material in the game!

Credit: Kokonut

Transparent Plastic is now its own material while the Glass material has been upgraded to have a very nice looking glossy-glass appearance to it. Transparent Plastic is what you used to get when using the Glass material in-game, but given that it's now its own material, could this be the start of us potentially receiving new materials down the line? Could we potentially see something like a wood-material, or a rough material that's seen on the sloped-face of angled bricks, but for the whole brick? Or perhaps even more pattern-based materials like the hologram material. While there isn't really anything to support the appearance of any materials like that, the prospect of potentially more materials being made is something that should be considered since we now have a new material like this.

And who knows, maybe at some point in the future, we could get player avatars with different materials instead of just different colors, but that's just wishful thinking.

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

You can also support me on my Patreon using this link here: Durb Blurb Patreon (www.patreon.com/durblurb)

See you all next week!