Welcome to this blurb!

In this post, we'll be taking a look at some exclusive content revealed to us by one of the contributors of Brickadia! But who is this contributor, and what is being shown to us? Keep reading to find out!

Apart from that, do you guys like the banner? I could've done some more work on the tabletop game itself, but I'm fairly happy with the smooth color-change going on with the eyes of the guy on the left, as well as the smooth hand bending a little. I feel like I'm getting more comfortable making animated banners that involve more frames to express movement and motion, and this one was fairly fun to make with that in mind.

I've always been a fan of tabletop games, whether it be something like Monopoly or something niche like Mall Madness, those games just have a fun charm to them, and playing them with folks is always neat. That's why when Brickadia comes out, it would be neat to see some people make some board games and throw around some dice. Listen, seeing a Mouse Trap clone in Brickadia would be the sickest thing ever, especially when there's a bit of some emphasis on physics as a feature in Brickadia.

In other news, unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the visual changes I wanted to add to the site done for today's post, so hopefully I'm able to finish them up for the next post, sorry for the delay regarding that!

Just as a reminder to some, even though the page banner at the top describes a weekly release, as of right now, this blurb is operating on a biweekly release schedule, and has been for a bit now. So if some of you are confused, part of that is my fault, but for those of you not aware of that before, now you know!

With all of that out of the way, let's take a look at what the community has been up to!

Your Uber has arrived:

Credit: Toriel

Jokes aside, a VERY cool vehicle build, and one that we get to see that actually moves!:

Credit: Toriel

His head got bent between the edges of a door:

Credit: Erika

Alright, who ordered an extra 2 million bricks?:

Credit: Brickitect & explicit

This looks like someone went out of bounds on the PS2:

Credit: Mackerel

Need a hand?:

Credit: Brickitect

What if the devs just made a 3D hyper-realistic model of a cat and just put it in the game as an object?:

Credit: Zeblote

And while you're at it, give me the latest devbuild, I promise I won't leak it:

Credit: In-Screenshot

And now for a quick feature on TombstoneTechnician's (a contributor for Brickadia) cosmetics; it would be sick to see a lot of these in game!:

Credit: TombstoneTechnician

"goku or something idk":

Credit: Cryptic Runner

Impressive use of shadows:

Credit: 101 Engineering

I'm just saying, a melted head piece would be kind of sick, like the plastic is drooping and everything:

Credit: Mackerel

A very cool vehicle collection, featuring planes, helicopters, and a bote!:

Credit: APX

Probably an awesome neighbor:

Credit: TombstoneTechnician

Now we arrive at this blurb's user column!

The question for this blurb is:

What new music, sounds, ambiences, or sound effects would you want to see added to Brickadia?


"I think a focus on more variety would be good, since most of the music currently in the game seems to fill the same niche (electronic). To make sure Brickadia's music can fit the needs of any build, it would help to have a wide selection of generic music of different genres. My go-to example for something like that would be the music in RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. Off the top of my head, I think the biggest things that are missing currently might be rock-style music and orchestral music."


"Hmm that's a good question since I've never actually played Brickadia myself hahah, but only watched lots of videos. I'd honestly love to see more dynamic music and ambiances that change with where you go and what you do, kinda like how Minecraft handles it! But I'd also love to see more static ambiance like birds chirping, wind rustling though leaves, details like these that make the world a little more lively."


"Not sure if this really counts as new music but I'd like the idea of being able to play custom music through MIDI files in the game, maybe add radios/boomboxes or even instruments that can play them too, would probably be cool to see people form bands to play certain songs in sync with each other, for example."

And now for the weekly comic panel!

With developments and features being revealed by the developers here and there, one has to wonder what goes on in the audio side of things.

Well, as part of this blurb, we'll be getting an exclusive look at two pieces of audio made for Brickadia!

As to whether or not they will make it into the game, we'll have to see, but thanks to the contributor APX, we can at least take a good look at what these pieces of audio sound like!

These two pieces come with their own cover to give us an idea as to what these tunes are sort of either meant for or encapsulate (if it wasn't clear from the audio itself). Just keep in mind, I appreciate a lot of varieties of music and genres, and hopefully my lack of understanding of terminologies and vocabularies in taking a look at these pieces didn't make me look like a music-buff wanna-be. So hopefully whatever I say is actually understandable for these pieces.

First, let's take a look at Carrier:

Credit: APX

For starters, I like how the beginning of this tune is akin to Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss in terms of its structure, the build up, and the climax for the first minute.

Additionally, at 4:27, you get that sweet Moment motif, or rather, the Brickadia trailer motif as some people would better recognize it as.

Overall, the techno/sci-fi tones really helps to sell this martial-preparation sort of atmosphere, it would definitely be a good listen for when you're flying in government-sanctioned airspaces you're not allowed to be in.

The second piece we'll look at is Noir:

Credit: APX

Now this piece I am VERY fond of. The snaps, the saxophones; now this is a piece you could play in a very cool bar that has a huge rat problem. For me, this piece perfectly captures that kind of gloomy, rainy atmosphere you'd come to expect of a Noir setting. The switch-up on the beat at 2:00 where it just gets a little more percussive is a nice progression, quickly diving into a quieter, softer feel right after.

But pay attention at 2:48, and you'll get that Moment/Brickadia motif with the marimbas, but don't feel too bad if you don't catch it since the woodwind that pops up a little bit after along with the strings helps make it obvious.

At this point, you can probably tell which piece I am a huge fan of already, but that's specifically due to personal taste.

However, what's great about both of these pieces is their ability to really go anywhere without it feeling too off, going from highs and lows to capture those different nuances you'd come to expect of their respective genres. The one thing that's worthy to point out too is the swelling of instruments at different segments, whether that be for the Moment/Brickadia motif or for something original. Again, the fact that there's these different areas where that section could be its own melody is really something that is quite remarkable.

Now what can I say about these pieces outside of appreciation and compliments?

So as I mentioned before, there are a lot of different sections to these pieces that, by themselves, I think can stand on their own. Additionally, as of the writing of this speculation column, music is not continuous when you leave the audio area-of-effect (or song radius) and re-enter it. Understanding both of these things, I think it's fair to say that the player should be able to set at what point a song starts the moment when you enter that area-of-effect for a song. With all the different nuances that are seen in these tunes, and the fact that they are able to really capture different impressions of what is essentially the same idea for a song, I think that makes for a lot of possibilities for how an area can be portrayed in a build in Brickadia. On top of that, adding music persistence would be a very welcome addition into the game (or continuous music). Leaving and re-entering an area to hear the exact same tune can really add to a feeling of repitition that some could consider a little boring, I feel.

But will any of those types of features be added into the game? While it may be some old info, let's take a look into an old development blog by Arekan from 2020.

Now, if this picture seems familiar to any players currently playing the game, that's because the component tab for audio components are still the exact same as they were since this post!

However, despite the fact that it has appeared unchanged for quite some years, there is at least some promise of features that will come in the future. Considering there will potentially be some behavior integration for audio components, which I imagine is still true to this day considering how much focus there has been on behaviors before, the fact that it's been said that there will be more settings for audios should spark some hope for features like persistent/continuous audio and starting playback points for music.

Now when are they going to add some good 'ol western music? Or some 90's Jungle DnB? Will the developers add them if I say please?

And that's all for this blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

You can also support me on my Patreon using this link here: Durb Blurb Patreon (www.patreon.com/durblurb)

See you all in 2 weeks!