Blurb #7: 4/24/2023

Welcome to this week's blurb!

This week, we have a particular theme for the builds we showcase, can you guess what type? Let's get into it:

An extraordinary ship build by Snails featuring a high-detail use of bricks for just about everything:

Credit: Snails

A throwback to a moment where someone 3D printed tiny builds from Brickadia:

Credit: Sorrelyn


Credit: Mous

A supposedly misguided house?:

Credit: tuc

Another amazing build, perhaps you can see the somewhat partial theme of steampunk-related builds?:

Credit: Snails

And another angle cause it's just THAT good:

Credit: Snails


Bookmark this, we'll see what happens:

The hub to this steampunk world; the build may be unfinished but you can still gleam a lot from it:

Credit: lilleplutt

A possible gas station?:

Credit: dull

When A5 (Alpha Patch 5) released for Brickadia, there was supposedly a list of weapons existed in the files of the game that were either unfinished or scrapped, who knew?:

Credit: Benky

And now we get to one segment we haven't done in a bit just to appease our biggest fan of the blurb: progress on my sailor antique store!

New Roof Windows:

New Paddle on the front:

Sword display and foam swords:

Merchandise shelf filled:

New shelves on the stairs:

A new Brickadia video was released by the creators of Brickadia showcasing yet another physics demonstration:

Domino Run!?

In this video, we can catch for only a fragment of a second two key-details from the video, namely the Dynamic Grid System and the previously speculated upon Wire Tool:

A snippet of the dynamic grid system:

Credit: Brickadia

A snippet of the wire-tool seen in the tool selection screen:

Credit: Brickadia

It would appear that for the Dynamic Grid System, building on objects that are affected by physics or are angled is now a real possibility, which further enhances the way players can build. How could this be the case? Generally speaking, building in Brickadia is strictly confined to the horizontal/vertical building grid in-game right now. By being able to build on angled slopes and bricks, a new array of techniques can be achieved, though I imagine for it to come off as visually appealing, the skill of the builder would be quite important.

In the second image, we can see a further presence of the Wire Tool. While there isn't much to speculate given last week's speculation on the tool itself, it is quite interesting to see the placement of the tool within the tool selection screen. To see it bunched beween the Manipulator Tool and the Placer Tool gives somewhat of an idea as to what intrinsic function it has in contrast to more simple tools like the Hammer and Paint Tool.

Given that we are seeing more and more uses of the physics system in Brickadia, some questions do arise in regard to physics objects:

Can they be realigned to the grid after being oriented off the main world-grid itself?

While we've seen demonstrations of things like hinges and hinged motors in the past, will there ever be the issue of objects being pulled too far from their hinges as a result of extreme speeds?

How bad will clipping be, and could we see a system where objects clipped into each other are spat out from each other?

Will I ever be invited to QA?


And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

See you all next week!