Welcome to this week's blurb!

Did you notice the certain cosmetic addition to this post?

That's right, going forward there will be a nice animated banner for each blurb post relating to the post itself. These banners will help you, the reader, differentiate between posts and make it more easy to find which post you're looking for on the blurb! Of course it won't be as nice or, as some may describe it, very weird and kind of bizarre like the banner posted here for the first time. The banner you see is just a sort of test-mock-up-thingie-majig to get my foot in the water on this sort of thing. In the future, I plan on having banners that involve what's posted here, as well as being eye-catching, and involve things like builds, players, and the like!

With that out of the way, let's get into this week's content:

A mini-map of a 3D Minecraft world ported into Brickadia:

Credit: Smallguy

A member of the community 3D printed another build from Brickadia called Leon (created by Rothary):

Credit: Smallguy (for 3D printing)/Rothary (for creating Leon)

A giant megaship in progress:

Credit: Diax1324

Can you spot the hidden Brickadian player?

A 3 million-brick road, wild!:

Credit: Moonkey

Another miniature zeppelin created by a member of the community, still very awesome:

Credit: Liljitt

C. Ware:

Credit: Ladios

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

If you could add food items or silly items to the game, what item would you add?





"Dodgeballs would be fun to have. As for food, I'd say cotton candy but I have no idea how that would even be done in Brickadia's style"


101 Engineering

"Because I feel like people would use the bomb brick for other stuff like fruit or ornaments even if the brick could only have one color."

Last week, I briefly mentioned the fact that, apparently, there were a list of items in Brickadia that didn't manage to get into the game.

Credit: Benky

After some research, I rediscovered of the appearance for these lost items thanks to Benky, a Brickadia community member, pointing me in the right direction!

But for some context, why were these items removed from the game?

Based on messages that came from around the time the items were discovered to be hidden in the game, it would appear these items didn't make it into the game quite yet as a result of the fact that they were incomplete. As a matter of fact, during this period, the items being spoken of were QA items, meaning they were items specifically made for "game testers" within the community to try out. Here is some evidence to back that up:

Credit: SeventhSandwich

Credit: Sixmorphugus

Unrelated fun fact: this is the icon for the QA Client for Brickadia!

Credit: Sixmorphugus

So with this context, what do these lost items look like? Let's take a look!


For these images I am unable to credit anyone as a result of the fact that the person's account has been deleted. Quite the information though, isn't it? While these items aren't in the game yet, who's to say these items won't appear in the full release this Summer coming up?

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

See you all next week!