Blurb #1: 3/13/2023
Welcome to the first durb blurb!
As a result of the fact that we have not gotten a development blog from the developers of Brickadia in quite some time, I have taken it upon myself to create a blog for every Monday to fit the bill!
There is only one problem that is quickly apparent:
the fact being that I can't offer the same level of content as the developers of Brickadia, at least in terms of what they offer in their development blogs!
What will these blogs cover?
I'll generally just cover whatever it is that I find interesting or cool to share in the Brickadia community, alongside speculation and highlights!
What is there to cover this week in the Brickadia community?
This week, I created this blog! (lol)
Rothary created psuedo-stickers for vehicles:
Tohim created these very cool cosmetic suggestions for Brickadia:
Very cool use of bricks:
The Sir Rolfe has been working on an updated map of "Project Virtuous - Sky Islands", here is a feature of it:
And last, but certainly not least, a cool avatar:
That's all for this week on the durb blurb, there isn't really much to talk considering this is my first time doing this, so cut me some slack.
If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215
See you all next week!