Welcome to this week's blurb!
Apologies for last week's absent blurb, I mentioned that week that I had a lot of things going on. I myself never like delaying or postponing blurbs for a week, and I think we all know the pain of having people who release stuff on a weekly or biweekly basis start showing extreme inconsistency in regard to their posting schedule (I'm specifically looking at you webcomic artist #1,304,451). It ain't fun, and as a person who likes releasing blurbs, I am on the exact same boat as you, the reader. So just to clarify things, this will NOT affect the release schedule for this blurb, we are maintaining that weekly Monday release schedule.
Apart from that, notice anything different about this week's banner? Recently I just got pen-pressure to work with the program I use to draw these banners, allowing me to thin out lines! This does make it a little more difficult to write the text, but in some areas, I'd say the pen-pressure accentuates some features of this banner! Who knows if I'll keep the thinned pen-pressure aesthetic.
With that out of the way, let's get into this week's community content!
A LVG C.VI, a stunning recreation!:


yea this is a pretty big hole:

Borealis in Brickadia:

Humongous Koi but without the H, O, or Koi:


Leon Encounter:

Some of you may not know this, but I am now the proud owner of two Leons and 2 eggs thanks to community member Smallguy. It feels VERY surreal to have these things from Brickadia in the palm of my hand:

After getting these, I proceeded to stack them on top of each other, wild stuff!:

Smallguy then proceeded to send me his stack of Leons right after, revealing the jumbo-sized Leon within his possession:

Also, because these follow the geometry and increments straight from within the game of Brickadia, I am able to make this kind of connection:

rlcbm sighting:

Two pillows makes double the comfort (don't worry he is not dying):

One of the most surreal screenshots I've seen, this was done using lights with snowy weather, crazy stuff!:

Awesome space garden!:

Swampy house in the Brick Party server:

this can't be real...

Awesome X-Wing next to a large ship!


Now we arrive at this week's user column!
Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.
The question this week is:
If Brickadia had figurine or build-merchandise, what kind of merch would you want to buy from them?
"Biker jacket with the brickadia logo on the back."
"I feel like a model egg head is the obvious answer, but it'd also be cool to have little figures of the tools."
"probably anything that contains this"

"brickbot plush brickbot plush brickbot plush brickbot plush brickbot plush
i have considered this question before
order of needs for brickadia merchandising:
1. brickbot plush
2. cadian plush
3. golden turkey figurine with detachable turkey legs"
"You know the old brickadia default avatar? I would totally buy a big figurine of that guy like the size of my hand holding a hammer and everything. For very egotistical reasons I would totally buy a 3d printed version of my Rocket Jump course, that would be hilarious. Oh y'know what I might actually consider buying one of Car's cars, and then insert a photo of one of his cars."
"A brickadian action figure that could be posed and moved. Shirts and other clothing would be interesting to me, things that I would like to see on such things would be :br_egg:, the classic brickadia Red Brick™️, Brick Bot jamming to some tunes, and perhaps different kind of builds in the style of a floating island with different genres on a shirt, for examples one would be a big wilderness island, another a castle and another being similar to a server like midnight overpass. There would be brickadians interacting or simply posing on said builds if possible. Cool visual noise made out of bricks on a shirt basically."

On the last blurb, we talked about all the cosmetics that had currently been revealed that are expected to come to release for Brickadia. However, thanks to BlueBip, it turns out I just forgot one thing, there was a bunch of cosmetics already revealed on the Steam page for the game itself!
You know, I look high and low for what cosmetics could be in-game, and I always forget to check the most obvious places:

It appears that my assertion on the last blurb had some merit to it, there's quite the amount of military cosmetics! Even looking near the top of the list, I was correct with a couple items, surprisingly! Namely the Angler vest being something fisher related and the fact that some vests have some varying degrees of variety and variance to them. With this attention to detail in mind, mainly in regard to the fact that the developers are willing to implement this degree of versions for a cosmetic, one would wonder if they are willing to do this for other cosmetics as well. Could you imagine medieval armor would different levels of regal decorativeness to them, or different crowns of different decorative varieties, alongside the multitude of cosmetics we could recieve for medieval helmets, or even satchels and ties!
However, in regard to there being this degree of variety, it would also bring into speculation whether or not the developers of Brickadia have a streamlined method of implementing cosmetics. It would be quite unfortunate if they had to do a lot of manual things for each cosmetic every single time like the default coloration or which segments can even be colored. That in itself could be a problem for implementing new cosmetics, but I do believe that if we are to expect more variety to this capacity, they likely do have a system in-place to make it easier to add cosmetics.
Thinking about this, I checked out the Brickadia blog "The New Avatar System: Player Parts" that was released in on May 16th, 2020. In the blog, it describes some features that some may have forgotten about that we could see in the future:

Now keep in mind, this blog is more than 3 years old, so whether or not we're going to still see these two particular features that are highlighted is up in the air. With that being said though, cloth physics and fire effects? Now that's a gnarly idea. Granted, in pretty much all the major games we've seen involve sandbox mechanics like Minecraft or Roblox, we've never really seen any true cloth physics, or anything that solidly emulates that (apart from Minecraft's lame capes, sorry). Could you imagine running around with a cape with your avatar, or flying in the sky with a cape, or even having the chance to glide with a cape? Now that's some wild stuff to think about. Now technically speaking, we do see one degree of an effect used for a cosmetic, and that's mainly for the Hover shoulder piece and the Exo Spine piece:

Now this is really just the neon material being used on these specific sections, but it is fair to say we do see effects being used, though in a very short, marginal degree. Again, very much so up in the air on whether or not we'll see anything like a head on fire or even the possibility of engine parts on a player that puffs out smoke. Steampunk robot costumes, anyone? One idea that has floated around the community are faces that can have their eyes colored or materials changed. Imagine playing in a poorly-lit game and seeing your eyes glow! Now that would perfectly spice-up some robot outfits for sure, or maybe some alien costumes? Who knows!
Since this post, we also really haven't seen stickers spoken of much, by the developers, but we do have some clues as to how they would function if they are still being worked on:

Considering behaviors, physics, and the like have been getting quite the fair share of attention from developers, and rightly so considering they are core features of Brickadia, it's likely that Stickers may yet just arrive in the form of modding in the future, or probably isn't much of a priority right now. As the saying goes, things change, and it's always interesting to see what was initially planned compared to what we see now. Who knows if we'll see cloth physics or more cosmetics with awesome effects, or even LBP-styled sticker planting, we'll just have to wait and see. One thing I'd like to note is that the greatest facet of sandbox games is customization, and variety is always a welcomed pleasure. I will say this though:

Thank you.
And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!
If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215
See you all next week!