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Welcome to this week's special edition blurb!

In the past week for the community, a LOT has happened. By a lot, what I actually meant is that the developers have given the water-starved community a whole jug of water in the form of a development blog and, most surprising of all, a video showcasing physics and hinges! So in this blurb post, we're going to analyze the newly released the physics demo shown by the developers and the development blog next week as a sort of two-part feature!

Credit: Zeblote

In other news, the blurb has finally reached it's 10th post: 10 whole weeks of the blurb!

While it may not seem like quite the milestone, I personally thought I would never reach 10 blurb posts on this blurb. 70 days has passed since the creation of this blurb. 10 weeks of community content from the Brickadia community, and I have nothing to say but thank you to those who have stayed tuning into this blurb weekly for that duration of time, it makes me ecstatic, happy, and grateful knowing there are people who read this blurb, set aside a tiny fraction of their day to even take a glimpse of this page, and are always excitedly ready for the next post!

You have no idea how much that means to me, and it makes me more than eager to always deliver the content that you, the reader, enjoy!

With that out of the way, let's take a look at what the community has been up to:

The first thing I'd like to showcase this week are two pieces of fan art someone made, something I NEVER would've expected to happen!:

Credit: te

When I saw those, I was just as happy as my avatar in the first picture and not as beaten senselessly as the second picture!

The community has started up a new Brick Party, featuring all sorts of builds and ideas from builders from the community!

Credit: Brickadia Community

I won't showcase too much from the Brick Party quite yet as not many builds are finished yet, you'll have to tune in next week to see more!

Humongous Koi watching TV:

Credit: Orion for the video, Humongous Koi for existing

A throwback to an astounding space ship build, and yes, the thruster flares in the back ARE MADE of bricks:

Credit: TheArmyGuy

Sealed, contained, banished:

Credit: Moonkey for the picture, Caeridak for being imprisoned

Someone set smooth movement for their camera movement and set high FOV; very cool, weirdly difficult to watch (my head hurts):

Credit: Saturn

RTX helps to show how tall we really are:

Credit: Moon Wolf

Even though maintenance happens every once in a blue moon, it's still tragic not being able to play for 30 minutes:

Credit: Protostar


Credit: Stormer


Credit: Moonkey for video, Beedog for existing


Credit: Sarah

Community member Rothary has requested progress on my store:

Credit: Me, Darbot (Sorry for forgetting to put progress last time!)

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

What was your favorite part about the physics demo?


"The virtual insanity clip at the end."

And I agree!


"Besides the part that had my crates bouncing around, it was definitely the tumbling pit with all of the objects encased in glass bouncing around with no spilling... blew my mind and I never thought it would be possible to get that kind of physics accuracy in a game I actually want to play"

I completely share this sentiment, the physics definitely seem refined.


"The ending obviously."

And I also agree!

Alright forget everything else in this blurb, this is where the meat and potatoes of this blurb post is going to be at.

If you haven't seen the physics trailer already, go watch the trailer here: Brickadia Physics Tech Demo 1 and, if you have any degree of understanding and retaining technical jargon, take a read if you'd like of the new development blog here: Devlog #4: Fast Collisions for Large Editable Vehicles

Now if you're back here and you still haven't taken a look in at least one of these things, shame on you. For this week, we'll be going over the physics demo video since there's a lot to talk about and analyze, next week we'll go over the development blog. With that out of the way, let's get into it:

Right off the bat, we can see how it looks in third person to hold objects with the Manipulator Tool, the tool that allows players to fling objects around in the physics environment. Taking a look at the Manipulator Tool, we can see that the beam is very much so the same as the Painter Tool, the tool that allows players to color items differently:

0:00~0:01 - Player using the Manipulator Tool in 3rd person. (Source: Physics Demo)

Painter shooting out a color beam

Somewhat interesting tidbit, though I think a different effect would be a bit of a fresh visual to see. Apart from that, we can also see that the Manipulator Tool above has its 3-beam appendages sprawled outward when the tool is active, neat!

Below, we can see the front-inner view of the Manipulator Tool clearly for the first time without the front bits blocking it!

0:03 - Front View of the Manipulator Tool (Source: Physics Demo)

Looking at the image below, we can see that the Manipulator Tool can apparently be inspected, a feature seen in many games that allows players to look at their tool in first person. If this can be done for the Manipulator tool, the question now is if the rest of the building tools can be inspected.

0:05 - Manipulator Tool being inspected (Source: Physics Demo)

At this specific point in the video, we can spot a new cosmetic, which appears to be 2 thin gas tanks that the player can wear on their back. Additionally, two new body parts, which have been seen before, can be seen on the same character as well, the new body parts being the two feet pieces that are supposed to represent prosthetic feet:

0:22 - Players being moved along physics objects, the astronaut character holding two new cosmetics (Source: Physics Demo)

Moving further along, we also find another new cosmetic shown in the video:

0:43 - Player with upper-torso belt straps on (Source: Physics Demo)

At this same moment, we also find player-made gears made out of microbricks moving the elevator up the shaft, showing that decent microbrick gears are likely a possible way to move objects as well. The means by which these gears move up could also likely be seen with the thin gray tracks behind the elevator platforms that are in each crevice of the elevator.:

0:43 - The two black microbrick gears on the left side and right side of the elevator platform (Source: Physics Demo)

Soon after, we see this fantastic shot showing the capabilities of physics and the potential for vehicles at the same time. The wheels can clearly be distinguished as microbrick cylinders. This will be important to keep in mind later, but for now, it's important to note that with the amount of high-count physics parts being seen and vehicles being shown to be any size, along with information from the Development Blog, it appears a lot more objects can be physics objects and vehicles in greater amounts and sizes versus if physics and vehicles were released right now with how bricks are currently loaded into the game:

0:54 - House with big microbrick wheels moving across a plain of chairs (Source: Physics Demo)

A huge key point of interest to point out is the fact that prefabs and, presumably bricks, can be placed on moving objects and vehicles. This shows that even regardless of orientation or speed, bricks can still be placed on moving physics objects regardless of those properties!:

0:56 - A prefab build being placed on the moving build. (Source: Physics Demo)


0:58 - A deeply thematic scene in which a 3-dimensional avatar controlled by a player pops open an aluminum (but plastic) can of soda, drinking it the carbonated fluids kept inside. What could be meant by this? (Source: Physics Demo)

Only later do we also find that the map itself is being moved by large wheels. If you look along the ridges of the wheels, you can clearly make out the markings of microbricks. Given the previous case in which a house was shown moving with microbrick wheels and this case here, it could be reasonable to assume that we will not be seeing any larger cylinder pieces that are currently in the game, which, at max size, are 2x2 studs wide:

1:01 - A large chunk of a brick-built map being moved along by large microbrick wheels. (Source: Physics Demo)

2x2 stud-wide cylinder brick.

In an impressive display, a lot of simple prefab models are thrown into a giant washing machine build, also showing just how big and fast bricks can move with hinges:

1:10 - A hundred or more Leons being thrown in a washing machine, showcasing just how much physics objects can be handled by the game. (Source: Physics Demo)

However, it is at this point that some small cracks can be seen in the system. As is present in all games that involve physics, bricks can be seen in the video clipping into each other. The sole example I was able to find of this happening was during this washing machine segment, in which you can see a couple Leon models clipped into the side of the washing machine. Of course, you can't really blame the developers of this game for that, but that is an interesting thing to take note of:

1:11 - 2 Leons clipped into the side of the washing machine. You know, looking at this is actually kinda sad, you hate to see him trapped. (Source: Physics Demo)

While this may not be relevant, it is also interesting to point out that a lot of, if not most of the builds seen in this physics demo are player made, NOT developer made. As a matter of fact, some of the builds in this video, especially the blue ship and the entire room seen in this part of the picture, are built by one of the members of the community (Magus). Who knows if we'll see more player-made builds and objects in the next physics demo?:

1:17 - Player made prefabs being moved around in a cargo hold of a ship made by Magus. If you're a player who currently has access to Brickadia right now, see if you can spot one of your own builds in this video! (Source: Physics Demo)

In this part of the video, you can also take notice of the fact that the bottom metal spinner that the player stands on fidgets around while spinning. This could likely be as a result of the amount of physics objects clashing against each other. In some possible way, it could also potentially reveal some degree of friction that bricks could potentially have with each other. Who knows?:

1:27 - Player standing on a metal spinner with several giant containers holding several dozen tiny prefabs (Source: Physics Demo)

During this part of the video, we can see a player sitting on a giant broom sweeping away smaller builds. It's important to note that the player here is just using the set emote to sit down on the bench. It is curious though that functional seats that players can stay attached to have not appeared yet in the promotional material for this game. This could likely just be chalked up to still-in-development:

1:30 - Player sitting, probably lazy (Source: Physics Demo)

Lastly, for the final segment of the video, we get a Brickadia parody of the music video Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai. This scene was actually done the same way the real video was shot for this scene, in which a room was created and moved around on top of a floor. As a matter of fact, I got to speak with the builder of this room, Toriel, about this set, and got to see the build that was used in the physics demo video itself!:

1:44 - Player in a room set from the music video Virtual Insanity (Source: Physics Demo)

This is very much so quite the room, they moved the room over the baseplate with no studs on it to achieve the effect they were going for:

Credit: Toriel

Now for a video that's only about 2 minutes long, there's already a lot to take away it, it's amazing how just a small snippet of something can get you so excited for something even grander, but we'll just have to wait until release to get our hands dirty. And considering this video was released just about 2 months away from what would be considered Q3 2023 Summer (July - September), who's to say that we won't get another video next month or in July? But hey, now we're just getting ahead of ourselves.

That's it for this speculation column, I could go on and on about the stuff revealed, but it would probably take up two blogs-worth of page space, and frankly, this page is as unoptimized as it is already, so we'll cut it here. Next week, we'll be going over the content from the development blog itself, and reveal what the developers have shown that wasn't seen in either video and development blog.

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

See you all next week!

Welcome to this week's blurb!

A large, well designed mansion in progress:

Credit: Snabs

And another shot because it's just THAT good:

Credit: Snabs

An Office Depot? In my Brickadia!?:

Credit: JimJam

Alright, we're inside, do you guys want anything?:

Credit: JimJam

Throwback to when one of the members in the community made a mock-up video of a Brickadian plane flying through a city built in Brickadia; could this be what flying vehicles may look like when Brickadia comes out?:

Credit: Video by Smallguy, Plane by Rothary, City by Dingo Ananas

Awesome steampunk robots (pay no attention to the head on the floor):

Credit: Snails

A Minecraft Lego Set in Brickadia, who would've thought 3 brands would've mixed like this?:

Credit: SteveLegoMinecraft (No, I'm not joking)

And speaking of Minecraft, another imported segment of a Minecraft map into Brickadia:

Credit: Smallguy

A fan of the blurb in the community made a house, it's called the blurb house!:

Credit: LegalizeVaporwave

A most fine steed to mount in the heat of a fervent, medieval battle:

Credit: Snails

A complete spaceship with an interior and everything!:

Credit: Flookh


Credit: Unknown (Deleted User)

Community member Rothary after I forgot to put the progress of my store on this week's blurb (i'm sorry i worked on it i promise):

Credit: tuc

You got it:

Credit: Trogtor

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

If you guys could get a new shirt sticker in Brickadia, what design would you want?

Cryptic Runner

"hawaiian shirt hawaiian shirt hawaiian shirt hawaiian shirt hawaiian shirt hawaiian shirt"


"One that keeps coming to mind is a jacket with a transparent camouflage design so it can be recolored"


"Basically this shirt is simple yet it can be effective in so many scenario's and costumes. Its basically just a torn up/slashed shirt. Why it is torn/slashed? that could be up to the costume itself"

Last week, we talked about unreleased weapons for this game and how they were leaked and now we know what they look like and ya-da ya-da ya-da. Turns out, someone in the community managed to demonstrate some of the items that did and didn't work when these weapons could still be accessed!
But before we get to that, there were some things I missed:

Turns out, there was a weapon called the Missile Launcher that is unfinished and uses a white-colored model of the Rocket Launcher, an item that is currently usable in-game:

Missile Launcher:

Rocket Launcher:

Additionally, the bow, at this time, was unreleased to the community. Suffice to say, it had a very janky way of being held:

Unreleased Bow:

Current Bow:

Now with those bits out of the way, let's take a look at these weapons!

Note: this video is over 3 minutes long:

Credit: Insert Name Here for the video, Lantz for linking me

You know, it's great when people take advantage of a situation and document it to some capacity, otherwise I would've had nothing for this speculation column this week.

There's a lot to take away from this video, and it's clear to see with weapons work and which don't. It's surprising to see things like the Rail Gun, the Meteor Cannon, and other items like the Missile Launcher work! It's also important to note that while talking about the Missile Launcher, it clearly has a different way of reloading compared to the regular Rocket Launcher, where with the Rocket Launcher, you only have to reload once. Who knows if we'll see these weapons ever again, hopefully we do though. I mean, how do you have these many weapons in a game and NOT finish them?

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

See you all next week!

Welcome to this week's blurb!

Did you notice the certain cosmetic addition to this post?

That's right, going forward there will be a nice animated banner for each blurb post relating to the post itself. These banners will help you, the reader, differentiate between posts and make it more easy to find which post you're looking for on the blurb! Of course it won't be as nice or, as some may describe it, very weird and kind of bizarre like the banner posted here for the first time. The banner you see is just a sort of test-mock-up-thingie-majig to get my foot in the water on this sort of thing. In the future, I plan on having banners that involve what's posted here, as well as being eye-catching, and involve things like builds, players, and the like!

With that out of the way, let's get into this week's content:

A mini-map of a 3D Minecraft world ported into Brickadia:

Credit: Smallguy

A member of the community 3D printed another build from Brickadia called Leon (created by Rothary):

Credit: Smallguy (for 3D printing)/Rothary (for creating Leon)

A giant megaship in progress:

Credit: Diax1324

Can you spot the hidden Brickadian player?

A 3 million-brick road, wild!:

Credit: Moonkey

Another miniature zeppelin created by a member of the community, still very awesome:

Credit: Liljitt

C. Ware:

Credit: Ladios

Now we arrive at this week's user column!

Each week I will be asking members of the Brickadia community a question relevant to Brickadia at the moment, whether that be in regard to development, speculation, or even just hopes and desires surrounding the game itself.

The question this week is:

If you could add food items or silly items to the game, what item would you add?





"Dodgeballs would be fun to have. As for food, I'd say cotton candy but I have no idea how that would even be done in Brickadia's style"


101 Engineering

"Because I feel like people would use the bomb brick for other stuff like fruit or ornaments even if the brick could only have one color."

Last week, I briefly mentioned the fact that, apparently, there were a list of items in Brickadia that didn't manage to get into the game.

Credit: Benky

After some research, I rediscovered of the appearance for these lost items thanks to Benky, a Brickadia community member, pointing me in the right direction!

But for some context, why were these items removed from the game?

Based on messages that came from around the time the items were discovered to be hidden in the game, it would appear these items didn't make it into the game quite yet as a result of the fact that they were incomplete. As a matter of fact, during this period, the items being spoken of were QA items, meaning they were items specifically made for "game testers" within the community to try out. Here is some evidence to back that up:

Credit: SeventhSandwich

Credit: Sixmorphugus

Unrelated fun fact: this is the icon for the QA Client for Brickadia!

Credit: Sixmorphugus

So with this context, what do these lost items look like? Let's take a look!


For these images I am unable to credit anyone as a result of the fact that the person's account has been deleted. Quite the information though, isn't it? While these items aren't in the game yet, who's to say these items won't appear in the full release this Summer coming up?

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

See you all next week!

Blurb #7: 4/24/2023

Welcome to this week's blurb!

This week, we have a particular theme for the builds we showcase, can you guess what type? Let's get into it:

An extraordinary ship build by Snails featuring a high-detail use of bricks for just about everything:

Credit: Snails

A throwback to a moment where someone 3D printed tiny builds from Brickadia:

Credit: Sorrelyn


Credit: Mous

A supposedly misguided house?:

Credit: tuc

Another amazing build, perhaps you can see the somewhat partial theme of steampunk-related builds?:

Credit: Snails

And another angle cause it's just THAT good:

Credit: Snails


Bookmark this, we'll see what happens:

The hub to this steampunk world; the build may be unfinished but you can still gleam a lot from it:

Credit: lilleplutt

A possible gas station?:

Credit: dull

When A5 (Alpha Patch 5) released for Brickadia, there was supposedly a list of weapons existed in the files of the game that were either unfinished or scrapped, who knew?:

Credit: Benky

And now we get to one segment we haven't done in a bit just to appease our biggest fan of the blurb: progress on my sailor antique store!

New Roof Windows:

New Paddle on the front:

Sword display and foam swords:

Merchandise shelf filled:

New shelves on the stairs:

A new Brickadia video was released by the creators of Brickadia showcasing yet another physics demonstration:

Domino Run!?

In this video, we can catch for only a fragment of a second two key-details from the video, namely the Dynamic Grid System and the previously speculated upon Wire Tool:

A snippet of the dynamic grid system:

Credit: Brickadia

A snippet of the wire-tool seen in the tool selection screen:

Credit: Brickadia

It would appear that for the Dynamic Grid System, building on objects that are affected by physics or are angled is now a real possibility, which further enhances the way players can build. How could this be the case? Generally speaking, building in Brickadia is strictly confined to the horizontal/vertical building grid in-game right now. By being able to build on angled slopes and bricks, a new array of techniques can be achieved, though I imagine for it to come off as visually appealing, the skill of the builder would be quite important.

In the second image, we can see a further presence of the Wire Tool. While there isn't much to speculate given last week's speculation on the tool itself, it is quite interesting to see the placement of the tool within the tool selection screen. To see it bunched beween the Manipulator Tool and the Placer Tool gives somewhat of an idea as to what intrinsic function it has in contrast to more simple tools like the Hammer and Paint Tool.

Given that we are seeing more and more uses of the physics system in Brickadia, some questions do arise in regard to physics objects:

Can they be realigned to the grid after being oriented off the main world-grid itself?

While we've seen demonstrations of things like hinges and hinged motors in the past, will there ever be the issue of objects being pulled too far from their hinges as a result of extreme speeds?

How bad will clipping be, and could we see a system where objects clipped into each other are spat out from each other?

Will I ever be invited to QA?


And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

See you all next week!

Blurb #6: 4/17/2023

Welcome to this week's blurb!

We have a couple things to unpack for this week, so let's get right into it!

Astounding miniature map:

Credit: lilleplutt

Amazing miniature-scaled zeppelin build:

Credit: Rothary

Did you know that if you fly high enough at Peaks, you can see an ice wall that surrounds the whole map far in the distance?:

Credit: Saturn

A clear shot of the ice wall:

Credit: sinking_feeling

Gigastructure fractals:

Credit: TombstoneTechnician

Following on the same note, gigastructure pyramid fractal at Peaks:

Credit: Cerv

Funny business:

Credit: LegalizeVaporwave

Does your ear ever itch?:

Credit: Cerv

Theoretically, a human could consume 150 microbricks. DISCLAIMER: DO NOT EAT PLASTICS OR BRICKS OF ANY KIND:

Credit: me l0l

Blockland 1:1 scale Imperial Star Destroyers ported over to Brickadia:

Credit: Magus

How could this have happened?:

Credit: Bluester16

For those that are actually curious, some members of the community have actually managed to play Brickadia on their Steam Deck, so yes, it IS possible:

Credit: Bluester16

Making gears isn't easy on Brickadia, but they are done well here in this steampunk build:

Credit: Ladios

For this week, we have some actual speculation to talk about!

In the Brickadia trailer, linked here, we find a player in a garage using a tool that hasn't been seen quite yet! This is seen at the 1:12 mark of the video:

1:12 - Player holding never before seen tool. (Source: Brickadia Trailer) (Credit to Lantz for finding this)

What could this tool be?

It is fairly reasonable to assume that with such great discussion and focus being placed on behaviors for Brickadia, the Wire tool would allow for an easy set-up for quick, simple behavior implementations. This would be for creating interactables like switches, doors, and lights as well. The fact that this is the Wire tool is more evident based on the fact that unlike other in-game tool items, this tool has a spool of red wire coming from the top.

Based on the fact that it is a tool, it could be possible that wires would work based on manually linking the wires from interactable object to another, as well as just setting up interactables by themselves, similar to how the Applicator tool applies on-the-spot components to bricks.

How exactly does this system work though?

We get a fairly strong, solid idea as to how wires work based on one of the development blogs posted by the developers back on December 11th, 2021:

Credit: Brickadia

To put it short and simple, you can think of the system as working similar to how wires and logic work in the Playstation 3 game LittleBigPlanet. Wires are linked to objects, logic systems can be created, and this systems of wires and logic can be used move objects in-game as well.

What crazy uses can we see for this tool? Will there be gamebreaking logic or computer systems to be made in-game for release? Only time well tell.

And that's all for this week of the durb blurb!

If you want to see your creations, ideas, and speculations highlighted on the blurb, contact me at: durb#3215

See you all next week!